Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Donald Trump is running the White House like a business. That's the problem

This article is talking about the fact that Donald Trump is running this government more like a business than an actual put together system. He is not taking things seriously and properly and like what happened last week when he leaked classified information about our military to the Russian government. He asked two of his top intelligence officials to publicly knock down the idea that his 2016 presidential campaign had colluded with the Russians in the days after then-FBI Director James Comey revealed a federal investigation was underway into the matter, according to reporting by The Washington Post and CNN. And both the men, the Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and National Security Agency head Mike Rogers, were uncomfortable with the request and turned it down. 

This relates to the content we have discussed in class because we have discussed the roles of the president. Whether he has the power to control anything or release any information is sometimes up to him but the rest of the time it would be from the rest of the government like the Congress and Senate to decide. We have also discussed the role that the government plays as far as limiting the president's power or turning down any ideas he would have. I think that topic was relevant to this article considering that the article is talking about specifically that he may not be running our government the right way.

My opinion on this whole article and what they are discussing is that I think they should put some limits on his power and what he does or there could be some serious issues. If Trump runs this government keeping up the possible mistakes he could make there could be some bad things that would happen to our government and could tear it apart. If our government falls apart or he makes another huge mistake our country could be at stake. 

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